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Kuala Lumpur
April 20, 2024

Celebrating Excellence: A Special Recognition Assembly at GIIS KL

A vibrant buzz filled the air as students and teachers gathered for a special assembly to honor the remarkable achievements of our budding scholars from Standards 1 to 5 in the CBSE curriculum. The atmosphere crackled with excitement, laughter, and a spirit of celebration!

Academic year 2023-2024 was filled with their unique accomplishments. From dazzling dance performances to melodious music renditions, from captivating language elocution to spelling bee triumphs, our students showcased a variety of talents that left everyone in awe.

Decked in smiles wider than the field itself, students eagerly awaited their turn to receive their well-deserved certificates, a tangible token of their hard work and dedication. The cheers and applause that erupted with each name called echoed the overwhelming pride felt by all present.

But the celebration didn't stop there! The champions of the Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) competitions were also honored with gleaming medals, symbolizing their exceptional prowess in the realm of academia.

GIIS KL's celebratory assembly pulsed with the combined efforts of Ms. Dipti Joshna, our esteemed Principal, and our dedicated faculty. Their leadership ensured a showcase of student achievements, exemplifying the power of the 9GEMS framework, particularly Academic and Sports Excellence (Gems 1 & 2).

This success wouldn't have been possible without the collaborative spirit. Our supportive parents and teachers championed students throughout, reflecting the SDGs for Quality Education (4), Gender Equality (5), and Reduced Inequalities (10). The assembly served as a testament to SDG 17: Partnership for the Goals, highlighting the strength of a nurturing environment and collaborative efforts.


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